Executive Secretary:
Sioux Swakum
Email: sioux.swakum@lnib.net
Head Start Supervisor:
Tamika Bob
Email: tamika.bob@lnib.net
- Derek Hanna……………………………Kindergarten
- Janice Sheena/Brenda Ens………..Grade 1/Grade 2
- Rhonda Sheena…………………………Grade 3/4
- Donelda Haller………………………….Grade 4/5
- Jennifer Desgagnes……………………Grade 6
- Randy Gardypie………………………….Grade 7
- Lee Fulton……………………………..Learning Assistance Teacher
- Nikki Flottorp………………………..Learning Assistance Teacher
Bus Drivers
- Bill Heard……………………Lower Nicola Bus Driver
- Joe Collins……………………Town Bus Driver
- Arnold Meyer……………….Custodian/Maintenance
Office and Support Staff
- Shelly LaBlanc…………………..SEA
- Annie Rabbitt…………………….SEA
- Devan Negata…………………….SEA
- Cody Jones………………………..SEA
- Reese Patterson………………….SEA
- Angie Sterling…………………….Culture/Language Administrator
- James Shuter……………………..Culture/Language Teacher
- Annie Major……………………….Culture/Language Teacher
- Barb Basil…………………………..Bus/Recess/Lunch Supervisor
Hot Lunch Cooks
- Penny Toodlican
- Brandy Pinyon
What is the Band School?
As an independent school, the Band School follows the BC Curriculum. Their teachers not only have their BC Teaching Certificates, but have knowledge and deep appreciation of First Nations’ cultures.
Why Should I/My Child Attend?
Smaller class sizes allows for more interaction between teachers and students
Bus services can accommodate the transportation needs of students both on and off reserve
Full time Kindergarten & half time Nursery school is available
School Supplies are provided
Fully qualified staff
Breakfast and Hot Lunch provided every day
Snacks provided Tues-Thurs
New Facility including: full gymnasium, large playing field, computer lab and close to Lower Nicola, Merritt, the natural environment and Band resources such as the arena.
Little Stars Head Start
What is the Head Start Program?
The BC First Nations Head Start (BCFNHS) On-Reserve Program is a program funded by First Nations Health Authority to enhance early childhood development, school readiness and overall family health and wellness for First Nations preschool children (birth to six years old) on reserve.
Head Start supports locally-controlled and designed early intervention strategies that provide First Nations children with opportunities to develop a positive sense of themselves, a desire for learning, and successes to build upon.
Head Start recognizes and affirms that culture is a fundamental part of a child’s development and encourages each Head Start project to reflect the uniqueness of its First Nations community as it takes into account the emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual needs of its children.