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Elections for Chief and Council

Elections for Chief and Council for the Lower Nicola Indian Band are held every three years. The governance of the Band is led by the elected Chief and seven Councillors.

Who may stand for Office?

Any Lower Nicola Indian Band Member having reached the age of majority (18) on or before Election Day, shall be eligible to be nominated for the position of Chief or Councillor, but not both.

You may not stand for election if:

  • You have been convicted of an indictable offence in the last five years (except one of a political nature relating to the exercise or defence of the aboriginal rights or title.
  • You have been convicted  of sexual or non-sexual assault.
  • Have been found to have committed a corrupt election process or deemed ineligible by order of an Arbitrator pusuant to the Election Rules.
  • You are an employee of the Lower  Nicola Indian Band or its entities unless you are willing to immediately resign upon a successful declaration.
  • You are arrears on any established legal indebtedness to the Lower Nicola Indian Band or its entities.

(If you have arrears, you have 10 days following the nomination meeting to pay your arrears in full and obtain written confirmation from the Finance Director)

A Band Member can be nominated for the office of Chief or Councillor provided that nomination is moved and seconded by two other Band Members.

Nominated candidates will have to provide written acceptance of the nomination and a completed Criminal Record Check within 13 days of the Nomination Meeting.

NOTE: You do not have to live on Reserve to serve, though most meetings will take place at the Band Office.

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